Debugging and dynamically analyzing HPC applications using MPI and OpenMP technologies can be a challenge. Dealing with issues of scale, understanding the flow of execution across processes and threads, debugging application data, and having to debug on a remote cluster creates many challenges for developers. 

Debug Complex Hybrid Applications

This interactive session highlights different dynamic analysis and debugging technologies for complex hybrid applications, including how to efficiently debug your applications remotely. You will learn: 

  • The latest OpenMP debugging advancements including support for OpenMP 5. 
  • How to efficiently debug parallel hybrid applications built with MPI and OpenMP technologies. 
  • Easily establishing secure remote debugging sessions to your cluster and the cloud. 
  • How to debug hybrid applications using CUDA and running on NVIDIA GPUs.
  • Leveraging reverse debugging, memory debugging, and batch debugging to quickly find problems in your code. 

Learning how TotalView HPC debugger helps in each of these areas will enable you to understand your code faster, find bugs in your code quicker, and improve the quality of your code. 

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